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   Description: Convert dBase color string to dGE numeric value
Mapped Command:
FUNCTION __DgeColor(colorstr)
   local fg, fg_bright
   if at("/",colorstr) > 0                       // check to make sure we have a color string
      fg := upper(substr(colorstr,1,at("/",colorstr)-1))  // get the foreground color from the passed string
   fg_bright := if("+" $ fg,8,0)                 // if it's a bright color establish a memvar
   do case                                       // evaluate the color string
   case substr(fg,1,1) == "N" .or. fg == " "     // and return the integer value
   case substr(fg,1,1) == "W"                    // if white is present in the string
   otherwise                                     // otherwise
      retu(fg_bright + if('R' $ fg,4,0) + if('G' $ fg,2,0) + if('B' $ fg,1,0))  // added - PMF

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson